Volleyball at co-op.....

Most of our volleyball group.....missing a few players.
Spencer attempting to look cool trying to hit the ball.

John looking cool and serving.

Listening to coach tell us how to play better and harder. :)
Here we are doing warm-ups (by the way the dim-mist on the picture is the humility:-))

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The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

These are really old pictures. Okay, like 5 monthes old. Where'd you find them?

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Anonymous said...

I think this Spencer guy looks pretty amazing. He's probably the best on the team!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Right, Spencer.
Oh, he's definetely the best on the making a fool of himself. I agree %100 with that statement.


Becky said...

I agree too! He is the best at making a fool at himself! :-)

Becky said...

They are old pictures Kait but they are like the only ones we have! I got them from Katie McCurdy.

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

I love em, I was just wondering who I needed to steal them from!!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Anonymous said...

Spencer is the BOMB!! I think everyone else needs to get up to par! The only reasonably cool one out of all of you is Danny

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Uhh, Danny isn't here. ?
Spencer, to put it simply, is insane.

The 'Amazing' Strawberry