Here we couldn't find anything to do (amazing, huh?) so we got Anna to take pictures of us. :-) Since we don't have enough pictures of us already. This is only one of the many pictures we took that day. :-)
This is at one of the game nights we have usually once a month. We just came inside from playing volleyball and everyone is really high! :-) Enjoy!
That was a VERY FUN night!
trying to look cool? Pssh whatever!! I don't "try" its natural.
Yep, it was! Great Memories!
Ahh! I'm jealous now! When did this happen?????
Who's kitchen is that? Maybe Beckys considering John just got into the fridge?
oh my goodness Becky we all look crazy!! :)
Haha see Kait we have tons of fun at our church!! That game night was like 2 months ago.
its at Becky's grandmothers house. She was out of town so we had the house to ourselves! :D
Lizzy, we have fun at ours too!I love all of my friends there, and I wouldn't leave. Besides...your church is too far away.
okay good. you like yours I like mine. its all good.
My Grandma goes up to PA. bout twice a year....I think...(I always think) :-) And she said we can have a game night there when ever. It's always fun!
Liz, it was a long time ago. We had one last month, but when I took this video clip was the game night before last game night at her house was this spring, when I had my piano recital. I remember because she wasn't able to go to my recital.
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