Our trip to Texas...

So here we go to Texas! Lizzy and I had been looking forward to this trip since our brothers left for ALERT almost 3 months ago. And the time had flown by; the time was finally here to go to Texas!! We started off with Uncle Dave and Aunt Kathy (Mr. and Mrs. Carnley), Anna, Lizzy and I in the Carnley’s van. And Dad, Mom, John, Luke, David, and Josh in our van. About half way we changed it up, and had Dad, David, John, Lizzy, and I in one van and everyone else in the other van. We decided to play “password” which recently became one of our favorite games. As usual it was David and John on a team and Lizzy and I. It had already been tradition that we would never end the game if Lizzy and I were winning so from the beginning we always knew David and John would come out on top but that didn’t matter it was still just fun to play. One time the “password” was editor it was David’s turn to go he said ‘writer’ John guessed ‘author’ that was wrong. Then Lizzy said ‘correctioner’. John about had a heart attack saying that ‘correctioner’ was not a word and that Liz had made it up. Lizzy and John went back and forth about it then finally they agreed that since Liz had made up a word John could too on his next turn. But it was still my turn to guess the “password” I guessed editor and got 9 points for our team. (FYI according to correctioner is actually a word.) When it was John’s turn the “password” was ‘sober’ and he made up the word ‘undrunk’ of course David got that one right. We went back and forth till it got dark and we couldn’t see anymore. We finally got there, it took forever to sign in and unpack but once we did David, John, Lizzy, Josh, Luke, and I went off to go find a volleyball net to play some vb. It was dark and the only people who knew anything about the ALERT campus was David and Lizzy. Lizzy got us to the inside gym but it was set up for the ceremony for the next day so we couldn’t use that one. Finally we got to the outside net and played volleyball for a few hours. Later that night the Reckners and Shoemaker families arrived. They next day we played more volleyball and games.

Finally it was time to see our brothers, we were pretty excited. After we watched them do drills and the skills that they had learned over the time away from home we watched a video of their journey and listened to them sing and recite 1 Peter. Then it was time to receive them, it was a happy and sad reunion. We were all very happy to see them and I know they were glad to see us. Later that night we played more volleyball till around 11:00 p.m. then went back to the rooms and talked for a few hours and listened to Matthew and Tyler talked about their experience at ALERT. They had some pretty good stories. But during this time Richard Shoemaker decided that he was going to TRY and make Lizzy eat a banana. He knew how much she hates them. The banana was pretty gross….it was mushy and brown. He put the gross banana on a spoon and set it on a table right in front of her. After teasing her for about an hour, the time came to finally make her eat it. Lizzy and I were laying on one of the couches when Richard came over with the banana, I grabbed Liz cuz I thought it would be pretty cool to make her eat it. Lizzy fought and fought she was determined not to let that banana get into her mouth and even with me holding her and Richard trying to make her eat it, because of course we didn't want to hurt her. :-) It was still fun to tease her about it though. A little while later, around

Saturday, we played Ultimate Frisbee for a few hours before it was time to leave. Then we packed up, said our goodbyes and started on our way back to Florida. The trip home was soooo long and we were all so tired. We stopped at Taco Bell for supper but Josh, Lizzy, and I wanted Burger King so we sent Josh over to Burger King. Finally he got back with our burgers, we were soooo hungey. Liz stuffed down her burger before I even got mine unwrapped. I took one look at my burger and was grossed out it was dripping with warm mayo and the bread was soggy and I took a small bite and then lost my desire to eat. So I handed my burger to Liz and she took a big huge bite and about threw up! It was very disgusting. So David offered me a Taco to get the disgusting taste away. But we survived and ended up getting home around 1:00 a.m. It was a great trip; we had a lot of fun, and made some good memories.

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Richard Shoemaker III said...

Next time Becky I guess I will just have to try a little harder! :)

Lizzy Ruth said...

Like i said before, that next time might be a loong ways away. You already lost your chance. :)

Richard Shoemaker III said...

You missed Jacob and John having to leave so early right after Grad.

And how scared Liz was with the banana bite sitting on the table for so long.

And it was way to short.

And the look on Liz's face when I walked in with the banana.

ALL in all a great time by all!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Next time try to get it on camera so we can laugh at her more, Richard!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Bravo Becs! Love the post!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Richard, your making me feel depressed. I already know I missed all of the awesomeness. :( At least Biz had fun! And you'll definetely have to come visit so I can meet you and we can again attempt to make her eat a banana. But, if it was me trying to make her eat it and she didn't, I would have samshed it in her face.

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Lizzy Ruth said...

well Becky couldn't put everything in there! it would be a mile long.

whatever!! I was NOT scared!!! Okay....not THAT much....I knew you couldn't make me eat it. I even said it in the text before you attempted and failed. :P

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

That may be so, Liz, but he has left a memory in our hearts...and ideas...


The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Lizzy Ruth said...

oh don't worry Kait....Richard did smash it in my face, just not my mouth!!! :)

Yeah Kait you missed out.... :)

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

You making it worse, Lizzy. That's not helping. You owe me!!!!!!!!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Lizzy Ruth said...

okay I can already feel it....there is going to be like a pack of a million ppl trying to make me eat a banana!!! :-/

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

You've got the picture! Maybe you should just get it over with. At least I know what to get you for Christmas now...

Lizzy Ruth said...

No i shall never eat a banana at least not by choice....maybe force....:-/

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Was that a confession that you'll eat one by force?

Lizzy Ruth said...

no but if its by force I might not have much choice.....

Becky said...

I know! We will both have to try harder...:-). I stopped because of course I didn't want to hurt her...:-) Just about everybody knows that my family came home early.Anyways that wasn't important. What was way too short? The post? If you think you can do a post better about when we went to Texas then you should do one. Okay, I'll put how scared Liz was but when she told me that you left the comment on here about how scared she was she just rolled her eyes and said she wasn't but of course we know better....:-)LOL..... By the way next time we have to get a dounut and smear a banana on top... That's her favorite now....

Lizzy Ruth said...

when will you guys ever listen....I was NOT scared!!!

Richard Shoemaker III said...

Becky... No, no, the post was not to short. The time in TX was too short! You did a great job capturing the spirit of the time.

Kait... YES! We will have to get some pictures next time. It will be epic! Millions of people trying to mob liz with Bananas maybe. :D that would be a fun sight to see. :P Yes, when I come to FL we shall OVERCOME! I will say though that she TRIED to smear it on my face afterwards. However, she only succeeded in getting it on the wallpaper! Then I had to clean it up....

Anyway, Yes! Good memories.

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Lizzy, right...

Becky, the post is amazing.

Richard, how the banana did you know my name was Kait? And the fact that you had to clean up after Lizzy's mess shows how unmature she is, and I would expect it from her. You should have.
And we shall DEFINITLY overcome!!!!

~ The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Lizzy Ruth said...

Well then I guess you will just have to hurry up to FL if you want to make me eat a banana, Richard. Ahh....maybe I have figured out the motivation to get you to FL!! :)

Duh, Kait I said ur name on these comments!! :P

I was NOT immature!! Richard started it, he needed to clean it up. And I wasn't there to clean it up I was in the bathroom washing banana out my hair!!!

Kait sorry but I don't think you are in on this fight....

Becky said...

Okay, well you didn't say that you just said it was short! But I agree, it was to short!!! But it was tons of fun! esp when Liz and David got us lost when they (of course) should of listened to me... ;-) I already have a plan to get Liz back but I'll have to wait until you come here. So you better hurry up! :-)

Lizzy Ruth said...

I did not get you lost!!! I knew right where we were and where the gym was and where the outside VB net was!! :)

Richard Shoemaker III said...


Well if you read the comments toward the beginning you will note that Liz called you Kait. And since I have heard a lot about "a" Kait I put two and two together. :)

Becky why wait? Just get her now and we can do it again when I ma there! :D lol

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Richard, oh duh.

Lizzy, gee thanks. You making me feel like the outcast again. I'm not really a part of anything. I'm now in the depths of despair. Sob.

- Kait

Becky said...

Maybe I'll go ahead and do it but I'm not sure if I can do it by myself...:-) I'll have to get David to help me... I thought you would like to help too!

Lizzy Ruth said...

Richard if you can't do it I doubt Becky can!! :P

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

That's true... That's why we've got to gang up against ya.

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Becky said...

I could do it! But it would be easy if we all ganged up!

Anonymous said...

You people are NOT right! ; ) I'm on Liz's side! BANANA'S are DISGUSTING! I did get her to eat a banana popsicle when we were little though! That should count as something! ; )

Richard, you sound like an interesting person and I would like to see all of you guys get her to eat a banana! I think that that is totally...ummm...not gonna happen! Maybe when she gets married when can change the cake order to have a banana filling! That would be hilrious! But...idk that she would fall for something like that! OH WELL!!!

~Katie Holmes! : )

Lizzy Ruth said...

haha, thanks Katie. I knew I had a few faithful friends!! :)

yes tell them Katie, they are not going to be able to make me eat it!! yeah good luck with the wedding cake! :P

Becky said...

We are too right! Bananas are disgusting sometimes... banana popsicles and plain bananas aren't the same thing. Katie, just you wait and see! We will get Liz to eat a banana! We are just taking our time because we want it to extra disgusting! And we are aslo going to get on video! And but it on her blog! :-)

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Great idea Katie...except we'd have to be able to convince the groom to smash it into her face first, cause we all know Lizzy's piece of cake we'll end up in her husbands face!!!

The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Lizzy Ruth said...

You are right Kait, my husband will get cake ALL over his face. :) My wedding is going to be fun. whoa wait...why am I talking about this?!?!?

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

I don't know Lizzy. Why are you talking about that?

- The 'Amazing' Strawberry

Richard Shoemaker III said...

Katie IT WILL happen. :) SOMEDAY! Just as sure as the sun rises and sets everyday.

Well if her wedding cake is anything like one I helped with a few months ago.....

So Liz, where does the do to others as you would have them do to you come into you husband getting cake all over his face? :)

Lizzy Ruth said...

Haha NO Richard it will not be anything like that cake!!

Well if he wants to do it to me then fine, I just know that when its my turn all over his face it shall go! :)

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Guys, you are so strange! What's so amazing about Riachard's cake?

Lizzy Ruth said...

Who said Richard's cake was amazing??

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Awe, I apparently am changing Richards name to Riachard. Pronounced r-e-a-shard. French?

Richard Shoemaker III said...

:) lol That sounds a lot like retard. :)

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Lizzy, you got a blogger account!

Richard...close enough. :) Just kiddin. :)

Lizzy Ruth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lizzy Ruth said...

I think retard fits you better! :)

The 'Amazing' Strawberry said...

Richard, something tells me we're going to be those pen-pals that know everything about eachother so when we meet we're going to have nothing to talk about. By the way, you need to come soon cause we're moving in July. :)

Becky said...

You guys are crazy! (Just thought I'd let you know!!!) Anyways how did the subject change so much? This is supposed to be about when we went to Texas! :-) Not banana wedding cakes!

Lizzy Ruth said...

yeah well thats what happens when we get started.....and Bananas came from the post..and the wedding cake came from Katie.

Becky said...

Yeah, well your still crazy! By the way we got banana bread the other day and it's waiting for you when ever you come over! :-)

Anonymous said...

All this fuss about a banana! Sheessh!! Some of you want her to eat it and some of you are feeling sorry for her. In my view that poor banana went through more suffering than Lizzy did! Poor thing