I cannot count how many times I have been asked that question this past year! It is just people's first thing that they ask when they know I'm graduating. I don't have a detailed answer like "Im going to University of Florida to work myself to death with school and work for the next 2 years of my life since I have only been doing school for the past 12 years. I have nothing better to do so I might as well work super hard and then use all that money for college." Yeah, no answer like that because the thing is I DO have something better to do--at least in my eyes.
I have prayerfully thought about what my next step would be in life and I have going back and forth but I have finally come to a decision. It isn't about what MY plans are its what GOD'S plans are for me. And He has clearly shown me the pros and cons of it. (and there are a lot) But this is the simplest way to look at it from my perspective.
Okay, so lets say I work my way through college for another 2 years at least and receive my degree in Elementary Education (or "Professional Studies" as they call it now) and then go on to teach in a private school. Yes, its something I know I could accomplish but is it how I want to spend the next few years or my life?
Next option, its much simpler. Serve. Yes, thats right serve. "Who?" You may be thinking...well a lot of people really. There are so many opportunities I have right now to serve in my family, church, and community. And, its what I want to do. Not something that I would do because I thinks its "right" or God would be "pleased" with, but because as a Christian I want to help those around me. And I wouldn't just be spending my days just wandering around looking for someone to help, God has put them all right in front of me.
I have prayerfully thought about what my next step would be in life and I have going back and forth but I have finally come to a decision. It isn't about what MY plans are its what GOD'S plans are for me. And He has clearly shown me the pros and cons of it. (and there are a lot) But this is the simplest way to look at it from my perspective.
Okay, so lets say I work my way through college for another 2 years at least and receive my degree in Elementary Education (or "Professional Studies" as they call it now) and then go on to teach in a private school. Yes, its something I know I could accomplish but is it how I want to spend the next few years or my life?
Next option, its much simpler. Serve. Yes, thats right serve. "Who?" You may be thinking...well a lot of people really. There are so many opportunities I have right now to serve in my family, church, and community. And, its what I want to do. Not something that I would do because I thinks its "right" or God would be "pleased" with, but because as a Christian I want to help those around me. And I wouldn't just be spending my days just wandering around looking for someone to help, God has put them all right in front of me.
One of my deepest passions is to work with children and I know I do not have to have a college degree to do that. So you see, this whole college thing is way over-rated, it truly is! Enough said.
Which would be glorifying to God? Which option would honor Him more? I have been through this battle in my head a lot recently. For some of you, you may be thinking that this would be an easy decision. But its not. And for a lot of different reasons that are too complex to go into right now.
I have gotten a ton of different replies from people when I have told them my options as I listed above, many do not agree with my on my view of it and many had their own say in the matter. I was confused because I was getting so many different traffic light signals from different people. Then, God brought to my attention that is doesn't matter what others think or say about this and in some ways that might sound harsh, but its true. The only people who have a say in this is of course God who is at the center of this, my family, and my pastor, other then that I am not worrying what option other people think I should take. In the end, they won't be reaping what I sow.
So, needless to say, option "Serving the Lord by serving others" has been picked and decided. That doesn't mean I won't ever go back to school but unless God puts me back on that path I surely am not going to be trying to jump back on it. I have had enough school to last me for a long time!!
There you go, for anyone who was wondering, there are my thoughts about "What am I going to do after graduation?"

I love it! Dive into it with everything (and don't forget that serving in your own home is where it begins!) Do the small and mundane things in a great and noble way. :)
Thank you!! :) Yes ma'am!
I am so glad that the Lord has put in your heart to serve Him by serving others. That is one of the ways you can shine in His Kingdom. May the Lord continue to give you wisdom on the path of life He has you on and may you always remember it is His life and not your. We love you much!!!
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