I just wanted to let the whole world know that this girl right here.....

.....is..umm what was it again? Ohhhh yeah...."awesome." I know, shocking, by looking at the picture you would never know...It scares me too. But as they say..."It takes ALL kinds of people to make this world go around." And I know God must have had a sense of humor when creating ummm...some people. *cough*
No, really this girl is amazing, can't you tell? *Its okay, I couldn't either at first!*

Okay, so Kait, doesn't bite my head off I must say that she is in fact, a great person! I mean not everyone can look like that! :) Love you, Strawberry!!
.....is..umm what was it again? Ohhhh yeah...."awesome." I know, shocking, by looking at the picture you would never know...It scares me too. But as they say..."It takes ALL kinds of people to make this world go around." And I know God must have had a sense of humor when creating ummm...some people. *cough*
Okay, so Kait, doesn't bite my head off I must say that she is in fact, a great person! I mean not everyone can look like that! :) Love you, Strawberry!!
Oh it's on...
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