I'm sure a lot of people have them...I wouldn't really know though...because mine are so amazing that I've never looked for anything else. They are everything I need...and more! You know what imma talking bout! That group of friends that you share sooo many memories with...laughed until you've cried...who you have a whole book of inside jokes with...yeah I'm talking about those people....the ones who are always there for you and who you can always be yourself with...well I have them, they are the best.

This group of girls right here is what love looks like....
I love my KTs.
So blessed to have friends who are always there for you....
LOVE the post girl!!!!! Sssssooooo true too!
Ohmegoodness I just saw what you did to the silly group picture...that's HILARIOUS! LOL!!!
Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, eh? lol
Glad you liked it!
Haha i know it cracked me up too! Yupp! Just in a little exaggerated sense...
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