Good job, my Sunshine. I am very glad.
You got the last one right and that's totally rad,
For a while you didn't get it, and that is ok,
For it is my fault, for not explaining this game.
I realize your confusion, so I shall explain,
exactly what happens, in this silly little game.
The rules are as follows, you have 2 times to try,
to guess the answer to the riddle, and that is no lie.
They all are your friends, you just must name which,
to whom the riddle belongs to; the prize'll make you rich!
Harder and harder they get as we go,
so get ready for fun and hang on to your toes!
So now you understand the rules of this game,
Let us continue! The next friend you must name!
This person enjoys fooling around,
this person has nicknames that abound.
Sport extrodinare, just one of his things,
the flying disk is his, and so are the wingz.
Go ahead and guess, this one's simple too,
if he's coming down then you'd better move,
So come on and guess; let's see how you do,
take your time, but please answer soon!
Day 2 - The 2nd
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Haha neato!
The answer to this one is deff the one and only Jake Ryan Butler. :)
you got it girl! i figured that one would be simple considering jake is the only one who steals flying disks right out of his team mate's hand. =)
haha well he "tried" to steal it...but only got half of it. :)
you still complaining about your thumb? i think you should sue him or something.
haha its fine now. yeah well then he would prolly sue me for hurting his leg. :)
oh, the poor little guy. =(
whatevah. what did you do? karate chop him afterwards? =)
i think both of you guys are wimps. you should see the bruise i have on my arm from a frisbee he threw at me.
haha he claims that i handed on his leg. but all i remember is him landing on top of me....
haha okay next time i'll take the bruise and you can be smashed.
yeah, i saw it with my own eyes...he landed right on you!
remember the frisbee josh threw that i blocked with my mouth and it made my lip swell up and my mouth bleed...? yeah, that hurt. especially when you have braces on and the metal scrapes up under yer lip. ouch.
someones talking about me
it's not us!
haha mk...
whoa whoa whoa whoa! you can't use mk! that's a katie/kaity thing.
i've officialy decided you are atrociously mean. lack of metal...taller...curly are so rude. good luck getting a girl, mate.
you need to respect your elders, jake.
haha it was a joke kait :) chill
haha whatever. do you ever say anything serious? i'm always chill...
not a lot of seriousness... no
yeah, ive noticed. maybe you should try it some time...
good job, just testing you...serious is NO fun.
yet im "atrociously mean"
that was not serious. that was a joke. chill
you guys are such dorks. :P
i'll take that as a compliment.
and, speaking for jake, so does he.
yeah well there are a good kind of dorks and a bad kind. i only have friends that are the good kind.
you must not be friends with yerself.
yeah thats right i have so many friends i can't be friends with myself. i have a waiting list.
nah, you're just not the good kind of dork. innocent? i think not.
why does everyone always think i am guilty?!?! :P
umm, only because...YOU ALWAYS ARE! =)
Jake, we are not the greatest of friends(especially during ultimate frisbee) but know that you have a place in my life just like everybody else...lizz is my sunshine, katy my buzzer(to bring me back to reality), jessie my candy goes on and on. You're a slinky - Some people are slinkys; Not really good for anything...but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs. =)
hahaha! i'm sorry, i'm sorry...i oculdn't help myself! hahahaha...=)Ima justa kinddinga!
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