Hanging out together is always fun and sure to bring many great memories and funny moments that are not soon forgotten. Even if it is just one day: with Lizzy around, something is sure to happen! :-) Katie H, Lizzy and I have been taking American Sign Language class at PJC College this past semester, and from this, we have accumulated even more memories to store away and remember. On three of these occasions, we decided to bring a camera and capture some of our moments at PJC.
I know what you’re probably thinking: “Only THREE times??”. We had planned to take it MANY more times than that, but something always happened and we only successfully used it three times. So, here are a few pictures from those memorable times!
CAUTION: We do goof off! But only a little! :-)
This was the first time we brought a camera with us to class, and didn't use it till we were on the ride home! :) It was a Tuesday night, therefore my parents were driving all of us to class and back.
Katie took this picture of Lizzy and myself just before we arrived at the drop off point where Lizzy gets picked up by her parents or siblings. :)
Katie H brought her camera two days later (Thursday). For some reason that I cannot remember, we got dropped off at PJC early and had an hour or two to blow before class began. After spending some time in the computer lab, we went around to the side and began taking pictures! :-)
We were interrupted in our picture-taking by a phone call for Lizzy, so we decided to snap one of her. I thought it turned out to be a pretty cool picture!
Taking a funny picture of surprise....which Katie H cut me out of! :-) I didn't mind too much!
Lizzy being....Lizzy!!!!!!!! :-)
Me and Lizzy....friends forever and EVER!! :-)
This is last Thursday, on our way home from our 3rd tests for Sign Language where we all got an 'A'! :-) As you may guess, we were happy!!
Lizzy and I....goofing off!! :-)

And here is the last picture! :-)
Now, all these pictures are not able to capture all of the memories that we have, like the songs we have sung and danced on the way home, the many funny and embarrassing moments in class or even the hilarious comment made to Katie H as we entered the computer lab that one time. :-) But thank God for the ability to store these precious moments away and remember them forever, even when we are old and gray. I thank God for every time I have hung out with Cookie Dough...may I experience many more to come....
Love you,
Chocolate Chip
Cute, Katie!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID A FANTASTIC JOB!!!!! I love the layout and all the pics captions. You are so awesome my Chocolate Chip. Yes SOOOO many memories!!!! And don't ever forget that I LOVE YOU!!!! :)
Yours forever!
Cookie Dough
Thanks Kait!
Glad you liked it, Cookie Dough! Hope it was worth the wait!! :-)
Do not worry, I will NEVER forget that!! :-) Thank you!
bffaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae yes, we know!
Haha Jake, you're just jealous!! :P
Jake, what are you talking about?
I do not understand you, and something tells me I never will!
Its an inside joke Kait. :)
That's disturbing.
what? us? the joke? or we have insides??? :D
"All of the above."
Ooops. For got to sign out of my "The Kid" blogger account. :0
Haha, Katie! That is really good! We need like a tv show of us and our class! That would be the bigest comedy show on tv! haha! GREAT JOB!!! = )
I'm just glad you all can make it to PJC without the car breaking down! :)
(Watch out for those puddles)
that was only cuz you were with them Spenc!!!
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