Girls vs. Boys!

So Lizzy and I had a sleep over......but.......

Jacob and Matt got jealous....and decided they needed to have one as well in Lizzy's room. :)

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This is what happens when Becky and Lizzy get together.....

I invited Lizzy to sleep over at my house, I was ready for some fun but little did I know that a disaster would happen!!!

Liz came over and we first started out by jumping on the beds and screaming like crazy (okay not really...but close enough.) We played on the Game Cube for a bit then watched a movie, then had Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream. Here is proof of what it did to us.....

Simply prepared us for the night!!

Here is all the food we had for the two of us for the night.......we eat yummy food and watched lots of movies!

We had to take at least one non-normal picture of us.....but just one. :)

Then we got back to normal......yeah that shows what we are really like!! In fact we even look alike......crazy, goofy, wacky, weird, funny, silly, and fun. Yup thats normal for us!

Lizzy thinks I am weird and I think she is crazy that is why we have so much fun together......just look at us don't we look adorable??? True love........

"Friendship is love set on fire!" Yup we are in love and on fire! :)

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The Story of a Strand

…a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12b (KJV)

If this is so, consider the strength of a fivefold cord. Individually, these strands can’t bear any weight. The most they can do is manage to knot themselves up. But when differences are put aside and all join to form one strong cord, it can withstand all manner of trials, and enjoy all manner of blessings.

Your lives, whether you realize it or not, whether you want them to or not, are woven into each other’s. You have all made an impression, good or bad, on each other, an impression that can never be undone. Whenever you look back upon this season of your life, you will remember these four friends, these comrades, among many others.

A fivefold cord is not made of five identical strands. How dull that would be. Instead, each one is a different color, a different size, a different texture. How beautiful when they all come together to change the world.

No one of you are the same, thank the Lord! This world can only bear one Katie M, one Katie H, one Elizabeth C, one Kait C, and one Mary K. But this world will benefit from these five very different people uniting to make a difference for Christ.

But take care: one inconsistency in that cord causes strife. If one of you bring to this friendship a weak point in your strand, whether it be a grudge, jealousy, pride, anger, or selfishness, catastrophe awaits, not only for all of you, but for all those who have been affected by your lives.

A division among you is like a sharp knife threatening to tear apart your delicate cord. Once the injury has taken place, it cannot be undone. Time may bring the strands back together to form a cord, but it will never be as strong as it could have been.

Each event of your life together is another fold in your single cord, made of so many strands. One day you will look back on those folds of time, some smooth and pleasant, others rough and troubled, and remember the times shared, the emotions expressed, the words spoken, and those left unsaid.

Cast all your disagreements at the feet of Jesus, unite in love, bond in peace, and let a friendship grow that will last for eternity.

The world is waiting. Show it what a friendship grounded in the faith of Christ and built upon each other can do to a lost and dying world.

I love each and every one of you.

Your sister in Christ,


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Memories at PJC

Hanging out together is always fun and sure to bring many great memories and funny moments that are not soon forgotten. Even if it is just one day: with Lizzy around, something is sure to happen! :-) Katie H, Lizzy and I have been taking American Sign Language class at PJC College this past semester, and from this, we have accumulated even more memories to store away and remember. On three of these occasions, we decided to bring a camera and capture some of our moments at PJC.

I know what you’re probably thinking: “Only THREE times??”. We had planned to take it MANY more times than that, but something always happened and we only successfully used it three times. So, here are a few pictures from those memorable times!

CAUTION: We do goof off! But only a little! :-)

This was the first time we brought a camera with us to class, and didn't use it till we were on the ride home! :) It was a Tuesday night, therefore my parents were driving all of us to class and back.

Katie took this picture of Lizzy and myself just before we arrived at the drop off point where Lizzy gets picked up by her parents or siblings. :)

Katie H brought her camera two days later (Thursday). For some reason that I cannot remember, we got dropped off at PJC early and had an hour or two to blow before class began. After spending some time in the computer lab, we went around to the side and began taking pictures! :-)

We were interrupted in our picture-taking by a phone call for Lizzy, so we decided to snap one of her. I thought it turned out to be a pretty cool picture!

Taking a funny picture of surprise....which Katie H cut me out of! :-) I didn't mind too much!

Lizzy being....Lizzy!!!!!!!! :-)

Me and Lizzy....friends forever and EVER!! :-)

This is last Thursday, on our way home from our 3rd tests for Sign Language where we all got an 'A'! :-) As you may guess, we were happy!!

Lizzy and I....goofing off!! :-)

And here is the last picture! :-)

Now, all these pictures are not able to capture all of the memories that we have, like the songs we have sung and danced on the way home, the many funny and embarrassing moments in class or even the hilarious comment made to Katie H as we entered the computer lab that one time. :-) But thank God for the ability to store these precious moments away and remember them forever, even when we are old and gray. I thank God for every time I have hung out with Cookie Dough...may I experience many more to come....

Love you,
Chocolate Chip

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Look Here!

Strawberry here.

Just letting you know that, by request, I am updating Lizzy's blog to make it more colorful. Please hang on as I try to finish up the last few mess-ups!

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WEIRD!!! from Katie H!! = )

This is our life story..isn't it peoples!?!?!?!?! I LOKE THIS ONE! This is one that I found and made some rearangments to! I know it fits ALL of us!

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A Typical Day At Co-op

It's got a few minor it goes too fast at the beginng, but I didn't feel like perfecting it right now. So, here is a view of our Typical Day At Co-op...that is when we're not in class. :)

Give it a second, it takes a second to load. After about 20 seconds, press the pause button and press play again.

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Dearest Sunshine...

I don't know what to say, but I need to post on here. :)
I don't have neat pictures of you and me, cause I'm always taking the pictures.
I don't have neat words of admiration and affection because I'm not dumb enough to go memorize the dictionary.
I do have two eyes, and a mind that perceives, 2 ears...and a nose.
Your really pretty, no matter what silly face your making.
Your pretty cool.
And your really neat.
And your really really dorky.
And your laugh is beautiful.
And sometimes you stink. But hey, I do too.
And sometimes I want to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it.
Liz, your perfectly special how you are. A unique charecter with an incredible mind and a stunning personality. And as for your "fun size", you make up for it in awesomeness.
You rock. Don't ever stop being who you are. Cause if you do, I gonna come drag you back out...and you don't want that.

Your friend,

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HEYY! from Katie H!!!!

I had a moment this morning where I was thinking this..."Why would God give me this life that I have when He knew that I would hate it so much and when He knew how many troubles that I would have." A friend pointed out to me that God puts you through certain things just simply to prepare you for the future things so that you may be strong enough to handle them. I am very thankful for my life and for my friends and foe EVERYTHING else that our wonderful Lord has given me! Thank you guys for all being a part of my life! I love you all!

These pictures here were taken one night when Liz, Chrysa Sutton, and I went out. First, we went to the "silent" ( that being "silent" I mean) dinner for Liz and my sign language class. (Katie M was out of town) Then we all decided to walk around the mall a little bit and we TRIED to take pics in Claire's but they told us we weren't allowed to do that....WHATEVER! Well...anywho...then we went to K-Mart and that is where these were taken! That was another FUN night! = ) MEMORIES!!!

This was pretty funny! Katie M, Liz, and I (Katie H.) were having a nice time throwing water on each other that night! Good memories!

I know that you love me even though I am a little weird and crazy! = )

And you know that I love you even though you are weirdER and craziER!


I love you more than you will ever know......
I love you Liz! ~Kathryn Elizabeth Holmes

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Last one for now Guys! : )

This one here fits Liz the best I think...don't you?!?!

I love little things like this! And they ALL apply!

God knew our parents couldn't handle us as sisters so He just made us sisters in Him! ;
We all know that ALL of these are true!

DON'T WE?!?!?!?! And this applies to everybody...Lizzy isn't the only special know I love you! Everyone is special in their own little way! : )

This is another collage that I made when we came back from the trip! : )
Well...I hope that everyone enjoyed the pics! I know that I do! I just wanted to say that I love each and every one of you and even though I don't show it or say it often enough, I DO! I love you guys!
~Katie Holmes

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More times with Liz!

I absolutely love this. I found this online, so I think that it is NIV but we all know what it really says!

I know that you prolly can't see what it says at the bottom but it says, "Friendship is a buildig contract you sign with laughter and break with tears!" I like this one!

This is a collage that I made after we went to Destin for Lizzy's birthday!

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Love You Lizzy!

Krazy girl! This was at the last Teen Game Night!

Heyy peoples...this is Katie Holmes...I just wanted to make a post and show some pics of me and Liz. We have had our many MANY hard times and I don't know what it is but we always seem to be able to make up. I have thought many times "Why would God give me a person that I love soo much but that it is so easy to hurt? How is it that He could give me this person that I went from hating to not being able to fathom not having in my life?!?!" God certainly DOES work in mysterious ways! are a few pics of us and pics that reminded me of her too!

This here is a picture of me and Liz in the car on the way home from going to see my nephew in Ohio last year. It was the day after my birthday and we were just beginning our 14 hour journey back home! VERY TIRING!

More to come! : )

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