Lizzy Wizzzyyy

To my dearest Lizzy Wizzy! ;)

I have only known you for like 2 years, but its feels like I have known you forever! We have had lots of memories that I will NEVER forget. Such as the time when we almost died from the rip current, Black Friday, and just yesterday when we went to the beach and went swimming, and more! (hacking jakes fb was pretty fun too! ;p) lol ...and also many inside jokes! haha. But I just wanted to write on your blog to let you know that I love you sooooo muchhh and I hope we will be friends till we die. Just hopefully we wont die from drowning, or going on a roller-coaster, or getting kidnapped at that beach on your road! lol :p

Love, your favorite person in the world! (aka Moriah, or rye rye which ever one you like best! :))                        
ps: keep trying to talk me into going to the Wilds, it might work! :)


         I think this is one of my fav pics of us! lol :)      

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I hate Goodbye! :(

My little man is gone. For I don't know how long...maybe forever, maybe till August. I have had so many good memories with him! I won't ever forget the first day I walked into his house and he said "So you're my new girlfriend huh?" I fell in love with that little cute blue eye blonde hair three year old then. I love him sooo much! His family has become like family to me. I have spent many a days swimming and playing soccer at their house. :) So this past weekend I went and did a final swim day with them and had a very yummy steak dinner! Then I had to tell them goodbye :( Carter gave me his farewell with "One day Miss Lizzy when I'm grown up I am going to come find you." :)

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So, I'm graduated. Thats all I am going to say. No long post with lots of details and stuff at least not for now...I just want to say thanks to everyone! It was an amazing day and I really enjoyed it! (Especially thanks to the Websters! ;) On to the next adventure in life....

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"Normal" Questions

Its finally graduation week. So ready for it. :) These past few weeks I have been asked two specific questions a ka-zillion times! It usually goes like this, "So are you excited about graduating?" Me-"No I am so depressed about it, I really wanted to stay in school for another 7 years." *Sarcastic face* Okay, yeah that's usually not what I reply with...its more along the lines of, "Yes, very excited." I know boooooring. But what do they expect me to say?!? Haha I know people are just inquiring about me and graduation but it is funny how everyone ask the same thing. The next question comes without fail. Every. Single. Time. I'm sure you know it, because you've probably asked it. "Soooo, whats next?"

At first, I had a good answer to this question but I guess my brain has heard it so many times it just lets it come through and out now without doing much work to answer it. I'm sure some people make think I'm leading into a useless life because they don't realize the plans I have. The problem is I don't have it set in stone exactly what I will be doing...I mean I know I just don't know. Its complicated. And instead of trying to explain to them which usually leads to a bunch of more questions I answer the best I can and move on.

So, yes, I am VERY excited about graduation and yes I do know whats next but I don't exactly know to tell you yet. :)
I was talking to a friend today on the phone and they asked me the same questions jokingly because they know how many times I've been asked that and they replied saying that they are just the "normal" questions everyone ask a graduate. I suppose its true. The more I got to think about it there are "normal" questions like that for all special occasions, like having a baby, getting married, dying. Well I don't know about dying...but that is a special occasion! So I suppose the "normal" questions are just beginning! Yay for monotonous!! :P

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