Well, a long time ago I met this girl. And she was cool. So I hung out with her. And we did all sorts of cool stuff.
Like rafting with Becky and Katy.
And planning fun photo shoots with our favorite Curdys.
And going on fun trips to places like Destin for her birthday, along with a few other stragglers that we invited to make sure no one was getting jealous.
Just kidding.
Playing volleyball.
Or just chillin' at co-op. And then proceeding to go crazy.
Taking a break from playing volleyball in the co-op parking lot to get some pictures...
Dancing the nights away...
Watching the fireworks...
Going on photo shoots...
Making memories.
Lizzy is one of those people who you can't help but love. She drives you crazy in a good way and teaches you what true fun is. You haven't met true awesomeness until you've met my sunshine.
Sunshine and Strawberry.
I don't know what I'd do without Lizz. She's the one who taught me how to roll with the punches and administer them when needed. She's taught me that life is full of ups and down but it's the ups that count and they are the ones to let your mind dwell upon - not the downs.
I don't think she realizes just how much she has impacted my life. Sure she's crazy and looney and all that jazz - that's why we love her.
In only two months, we graduate in the same class, side by side(Literally - our last names both start with a C so we will be standing next to each other in line :-P). Just a little while ago, we were talking about the future. In five years, we could be celebrating each other's marriages. In ten years, perhaps our kids will be playing with each other while we talk about old memories and memories still to come over coffee.
I can't wait to embrace the future with Lizzy as a dear and close friend - the one she has, and always will be, to me.