What is a friend? Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. To me it is someone who is always there for you, someone you can trust, someone to share your joy, pain, happiness, laughs, smiles, and memories. To grow with and encourage in Christ, a friend is more than just someone you know. It is a person who you have inside jokes with, countless memories, and priceless laughs. Recently, I begin to think about my friends and how God has so amazingly given me such incredible friends. My friends mean a lot to me, and I wanted to let you guys know how much I cherish you guys.
“True friendship isn’t about being inseparable its about being separated and nothing changes.”

Becky-Thanks for being such an awesome sister! I never thought that I could love you as much as I do. I remember when we use to “hate” (if that was possible) each other. God has brought us so far and our friendship has grown so much! You are amazing and I am so thankful to have you as a sister, friend, and neighbor.

Chocolate Chip-Wow, so many great memories we have had…..I can’t imagine my life without you. You have always been there for me. It has been almost 10 years since I first met you….so much has happened in those 10 years. Our friendship has grown a lot and I am looking forward to what God has in store for us! Remember…chocolate chip cookie dough is always better together. We are two halves put together to make one whole.

Jessica-You definitely make our group complete, without you no telling what we would be like…..a scary thought. You keep us in line. Thanks for being a great example and trying so hard to keep us out of trouble! You are a wonderful friend.

Katie-We have been through so much together!! I am so thankful for your friendship; you are such a blessing to me! We have been going through a lot together, both happy and sad memories. I can’t believe how fast the years have flown by…I still remember sitting across from each other at church and making faces at each other!

Shelby-I think our friendship was set on fire when we realized both of us were as big of a gator fan as the other one! You are my true gator girl! I’ll never forget our senior bowl trip….or the phone call to your mom after we found out “the news”! Haha, great memoires girl!! You are an amazing friend.

Strawberry-You are fantastic friend! A great friend, sports player, photographer, and a bright cheery strawberry! I am so glad God brought you into my life! I have learned so much through our friendship.
"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked."
Each and every one of you are completely amazing and loveable. Even though I may not always show it, you girls all have a place in my heart and I love each of you! To the world you may seem like just a girl but to me you are my world.
“Many people walk in and out of my life but only my true friends have left footprints on my heart.”
I am only ME when I am with YOU,
~Lizzy, Cookie Dough, Sunshine~