Class Again!
Well, peeps,
We had class again tonight, as usual! It was another boring night. We didn't learn that much new stuff, although David, the teacher's assistant that is deaf, told us a pretty good joke! Mk, the first guy says, "It's windy". The second guy goes "No, it's Thursday". So, the third guy walks up and says, "Okay. You're thirsty? I'll go get you a drink!" hahaha....right?!?!?
David is deaf so he is signing the whole thing and he is doing the facial expressions and trying to voice his words and so he is kind of acting it out also so that we can understand a little better and it was pretty funny! = ) You had to be there!
OH! He gave us one last week that was pretty good! Mk. There was a watermelon farmer that would go out in his feild and count his watermelons everyday. One day, he woke up and was in his feild counting and there was one missing. He was not very happy, so he made a sign that said, "ONE OF THESE IS POISONED". So he went to bed with peace of mind and woke up the next morning and looked out his window and say another sign out in the feil next to the one he put up. He walked out to the feild and walked around to look at the sign and it read, "NOW THERE ARE TWO". hahahaha.......the person who stole the watermelon didn't believe it! = ) We thought that one was pretty funny. He usually gives some pretty good blonde jokes but I can't think of any right now so I guess that will have to wait till next time. Join us again for Katie, Lizzy, and Katie's American Sign Language 2 class. That's all for now, folks! :]
~Katie Holmes~
More = )
Heyy guys!
Class went rather well tonight! It was VERY boring!!!!! We learned that there were like 5 different signs for the word "gone"! I was like "WOW!!!! I think we got the point already!" haha! Not much more than that tonight! Brian the "class clown" was there tonight. He is so much like danny McCurdy that it is NOT even funny! He can be very hilarious. There wasn't much tonight though! :'( The class room was full to the max though! Everyone was like shoulder to shoulder!
I think that that is it for tonight though! Not much to tell! I hope everyone has a good night! = )
~Katie Holmes!!
= )
Heyy everybody! You might get tired of these school posts but I will do it anyways! hahahahahaha!!! We have class again tonight, as we on every Tuesday adn Thursday nights! I will make another post about how each class goes after we get home! You can never know what to expect in this class! = ) Isn't that right Katie and Lizzy?!?!?!? = )
~Katie Holmes!!
The First Night of ASL2
Hello again peoples....this is Katie H.
Well, last night Katie M., Lizzy, and I went to PJC for our first American Sign Language 2 class. I'm not sure about Katie and Lizzy but I was VERY excited to be going back! Well, Liz rode with me and we got there about 15 minutes before class began, just to have Katie texting us "What building is it" "how do I get there". I thought that it was kinda funny but that is a different story! : ] Anyways.....Katie FINALLY found her way upstairs to our new class room, which by the way, is quite a bit smaller then last semester with a few more students, I might add! After welcome backs and all that fun stuff, we did our fingerspelling warm up...that was fun. I think that the 3 if us all made 100s on that excercise, although, when Mrs. Becky (our teacher) sprung a new assignment on us, I think that we learned that we need a LITTLE BIT (meaning a lota bit) more practice. It has been a little over 3 weeks I think since our last class, and I know that I needed some practice. Mrs. Becky gave us a peice of paper that had things on it like "Someone that has a blue car" and "Someone that watches more that 3 hours of tv a day" (that one was difficult to find someone to sign for...haha) and we had to go around the room and sign to people and ask then "Do you have a blue car?" which in ASL that would be "CAR BLUE YOU HAVE" with your eyebrows REAISED! Well that one wasn't a hard one to sign but some of the other ones were pretty difficult. Then if they answered "YES" to that question then they had to sign in the little square and then it was their turn to ask us a question. You could only a person's name on there once. THAT was a difficult priority! Needless to say we all got through it in about 45 minutes and some people didn't even finish! It was VERY interesting to watch though, and I myself had to go to my friends here and ask them the sign for a few things! OOPS ME!!! I guess that means that I have a date with my textbook before Tuesday! ; )
Well, anyways, class usually goes from 6-8 Tuesdays and Thursdays, however, last night Mrs. Becky let us out right at 7 due to the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT college football championship. Texas vs. Alabama! Lizzy is for Texas...HOOK EM' HORNS....but I myself am for Alabama....ROLL TIDE ROLL!! My cousin is going to the University of Alabama this next semester and I told him I would cheer for them...unless they were playing Florida or Tennessee! = ) Well................ALABAMA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ROLLLLL TIDE ROLLLLL!!!! 21-37! My aunt called me SCREAMING HER HEAD OFF last night around 11:15. She was ecstatic! I was happy...but not that into it! haha...I love her anyways....she is one crazy cookie!
Over all, last night went faitly well and I can't wait for the rest of the semester. I will be sure to post any hilarious moments on here for yall! Thanks for reading! Have a good weekend!!! God bless! :)
~Katie Holmes~
First day back
Hey everybody!...this is Katie H...
Tonight is our fist night in ASL 2! I will make another post after class! Hopefully, this will go smoothly! ...(and noone's car will break down)...haha... = ) I am really excited and I know that Lizzy and Katie M. are too! I will update later!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!
Here's a quick video I put together of the party we had at Lizzy's on New Years Eve. Enjoy!
For more pictures and stuff, go here.
Fun Memories!!

You know that I love you, Liz!!!! I'll always be there for you even when you look like this! haha
~Katie Holmes!! = )