This Week At Co-op With Liz

Monday was co-op. I, Kait, got there late and as I walked in I saw Lizzy stroll into our first class; Church History. After setting Becky's books next to Josh, Lizzys 13 year old brother, who was sitting by Becs' stuff, I followed her and took a seat next to my sweet? friend. She sent me one of her funny looks that she gives me every time I see her. The "I know your a dork" look. She never fails. Katie sat next to her, up against the wall(a bad place to be by the way when Lizzy's next to you; no escape). We sat in the 3rd row to the back. In front of us was Bethany, Sarah, and Victoria; behind us John, David, and Spencer. It was a great class.

After that we had Drama, but Lizzy skipped out this class. Sob. I was alone with two guys who were trying to come up with a skit to do next week. They ended up deciding to do Adam and Eve. Jah, I'm Eve. Yipee.

After Creative Writing, which sneaky Liz also skipped, we had lunch. During lunch we gave Lizzy this blog. That was interesting. Maybe, maybe I'll write about that later.

Well, now she knows. The big secret is out. Whoo.

During sewing, Lizzy snuck out with all of her friends, except me for I was sewing my dress with the help of Jess, and played volleyball outside. We lost her for a second, but thanks to technology she was only "Speed Dial 4" away. "We're outside playing volleyball." came out of the phone speaker in her very sweet duh-you-should-have-known-that voice. After knowing Lizzy you hear that voice a lot. :) I think she's rubbing off onto me, too. Yikes. :)

It was our first time playing Ultimate Frisbee this week. It just so happened that I was against Liz in every game, or more accurately, she was against me. Apparently her job was to keep me from getting the frisbee; and she did a good job, which was too bad for me. 'Cause she's great at getting in the way. Hehe.
Well, that's what we did for almost 7 hours yesterday. It was fun; and Lizzy made it funner. Jah, funner.

L - Lovely

I - Indescribable

Z - Zealous

Z - Zany
Y - Youthful


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A Birthday Prayer...


It has been an amazing journey watching you grow from a girl into a young woman. That road has not been easy, and will never be, but continue to put your faith in God, and you will never be disappointed. That doesn’t mean that you will never fall. It just means that when you fall, you will look to Christ, lean on his everlasting arm, and come out of every crisis stronger in the faith. Your life is a testimony to this great truth.

Thank you for calling me friend, even though there are more differences than similarities between us. But differences are never something that hinder you, for you see beyond them.

Psalm 16:11
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Continue to look to Christ, and He will show you the path of life, give you fullness of joy, and even in this life you will enjoy pleasures forevermore. Only in Him.

Happy 16th Birthday!

Love a sister in Christ,

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Love you Lizzy

Heyy Liz, (this is from Katie H....)

You are a great friend and that is all a person could ask for, right? We have known each other for how long? Since we were 5, so 11-12 years. That is a long time! I really hope that this friendship will last many more years than that! We have had our ups and our down, sideways and back the other direction, but we are still friends even through all that junk. We have had enough memories to last a lifetime (even though you don't remember half of them; )) Well...i just wanted to tell you how much I love you even when you have your bratty days. ; )

Well, I love you more than these feeble words can express and never forget that!


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Hat Day!!!!

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It's freezing here!!!!! I love you Liz!

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Group Picture and Other Ramblings

Back Row From Left: Katie, Liz, Katie, Jessie
Front Row From Left: Kait, Becky
This is one of the many pictures we got at Destin, which is where we went to celebrate Lizzy's birthday last weekend. We stayed at a hotel Thursday night and had a lot of fun all day Friday. We didn't get back to our hometown until past 10pm. Everybody's nerves were just about fried out by then. :)
Biz, another name for her, still doesn't know about this blog yet, and it's been so much fun planning it for her. Becky and I have been conversing back and forth, trying to keep the secret from her. I think we've done a good job, because it appears that Liz has no suspisions at all. We'll be telling her at her 'other' party on Friday. This is so fun!
I'll write some more about our trip to Destin later. I have so many pictures and junk that I'll have to do something with them. But, for now I must say good bye.
Love ya Liz!

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Anybody like my new shirt?!?

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Watch out Wal*Mart here we come!!!!!!

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No wonder people looked at us like we where crazy when we tried the hats on at Target!!!! :-)

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Friends Forever!

Top from left to right: Katie McCurdy, Katie Holmes, Jessica McCurdy.
Bottom from left to right: Lizzy Carnley, Becky Kelly

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The Lizzy Ruth

This is Lizzy..........Yep that's Lizzy............usually she is like that right after she drinks a soft drink.....:-)

Lizzy is.....

Funny...........but weird......
Sweet....most of the time.....
A Mountain Dew lover.........and Dr. Pepper...........
Loves her friends........and her horses.......
A crazy cookie dough lover.........and all of her sweets...........
Liz is one of those girls that would be crazy enough to dance in the rain.........with me.........

Yep! That's Lizzy.......the Lizzy Ruth.......

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About Lizzy

Elizabeth Ruth;

- Brown Headed
- Green Eyed
- Fun Size
- Unmatchable
- Unpredictable
- Sarcastic
- Silly
- Country Girl
- Wild(in a good way)
- Sweet
- Genorous
- Coke Stealer
- Sunshine

She's goofy.

She rocks.

She's Lizzy.

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About Lizzy's Friends

- Katie

- The 'Amazing' Strawberry

- Becky

- Josh

- Jessica

- Richard F. Shoemaker III

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