Well I think its time for another blog post for this blog of yours my dear Lizzy! and I figured that now would be the perfect time seeing that you will be 18 in 2 hours. :)...So, I would just like to say that you are one beastly person Lizzy! and I am soo glad we have become good friends this year! I couldn't have asked for a more beastly friend then you! ;) and I hope you have an amazing, terrific, exciting, awesome birthday!! and I hope that this year is the best yet!...( and you will have no hospital visits) :)...unless of course, you get soo beastly that you have to be admitted into the hospital! ;-p haha I love you Lizzy Wizzy!!
Love, your Beast!...aka Moriah ;)
Happy Birthday Lizzy!!
A Love Story
So let me introduce you to these two amazing people, David and Meghan. I love them as much as I possibly can...which is a lot! God made them for each other and I have been blessed to watch their love story and be apart of their life. They are two wonderful people whose life is focus on God and is committed to serving Him.
Its been such a fun past few weeks with them and very much looking forward to planning their wedding these next few months! :) David has played such a big part in my life and I can't even explain how blessed I am to have him as my big brother and friend. Meghan, I couldn't have asked for a better sister, you fill the spot perfectly!
Your little sister
Mission Week!

Christina working on a craft.

More to come!! :)

Wow,where to begin? I don't know if I have ever had SO MUCH happen in a month's time! It has been crazy. Good. But crazzzzy! And I am behind on my post--but for good reasons! I finally have some pictures of the beginning on my mission trip so I am going to post those. I will do several posts but eventually I have this ole thing up to date!
Well, after a very very long plane ride to Budapest, Hungry we were ready for a day of sightseeing because we had to wait for the rest of our team to arrive. Budapest was sooo beautiful! The city had so much history packed into it, we covered a lot of ground. About 10 miles of it....walking!

It was an amazing time seeing the city of Budapest and touring it! I won't ever forget the things we saw there! Up next post about week 1 Children's program. :D
All photo credit goes to Rob Bennet
The Adventure Begins!!!!
My bags are packed, my passport is in hand, and I am ready to get on a jet plane and travel half way around the world!! :) I am very excited, not only for the adventure but for all the people I will meet and be a light from Christ, for how God will use me to tell others about Him, and for the work He will do in my own life!
I leave early early in the morning and will be traveling for about 24 hours but I think the adventure getting there is one of the best parts! I can't believe that its here already, I am use to telling people that I'm leaving June 16th now I can say I'm leaving TOMORROW!!!! ;)
Lizzy Wizzzyyy
To my dearest Lizzy Wizzy! ;)
I hate Goodbye! :(
My little man is gone. For I don't know how long...maybe forever, maybe till August. I have had so many good memories with him! I won't ever forget the first day I walked into his house and he said "So you're my new girlfriend huh?" I fell in love with that little cute blue eye blonde hair three year old then. I love him sooo much! His family has become like family to me. I have spent many a days swimming and playing soccer at their house. :) So this past weekend I went and did a final swim day with them and had a very yummy steak dinner! Then I had to tell them goodbye :( Carter gave me his farewell with "One day Miss Lizzy when I'm grown up I am going to come find you." :)